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VPP offers a great camera controller, which allows for smoothing options. High Damping and Rotation Damping work well, but I can't seem to make the Velocity damping work. I have tried setting and not setting the flag in combination with any values in the velocity damping field (-5, 0, +5 all the way through 500). I have no attached

Any tips how I can make this work?

Also making the physics work on the first person driver view (ie head tilts, looking where you are steering to) would also be great. But that is just a minor one.

Thanks in advance for any help!

1 Answer

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Best answer

If the vehicle has a VPCameraTarget component then some damping values will be read there (viewDamping) instead of using those in the camera controller component. Note that in this case changing the values in VPCameraTarget have effect the next time the camera view mode is changed.

The component VPHeadMotion provides configurable physics for the first person driver view. However, this component is not available in the Community Edition. The VPP demos make good use of it:


Thanks for the Quick response.