+1 vote
Where would be the best place to start to use an alternative input system? Would it be best to force input via the data bus every frame? Also, to avoid losing ffb from the DeviceInput component (in VP Pro), do I have to run the DeviceInput component AND an alternative input component at the same time, with my component overriding the input of the other?
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Hi. I use Rewired with VPP because it s has very god hot plug and multi scene loading abilitys. The setup is really fast and is stable through all the releases. Started with Unity 2017 to 2020. Never had a problem.

I also started to look into the new input system from Unity.
But it will take some time if it becomes close to Rewired.

1 Answer

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Any input system must populate the data bus at least every physics frame. The best way to preserve force feedback is doing so from a VehicleBehaviour-derived class and override the GetUpdateOrder method to return a positive number. This will override the input provided by VPDeviceInput, but will keep the force feedback active.
