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I am using high torque values for heavy vehicles, and low rpm values. I have adjusted RPM gauge with the range of (0 to 3000) and did the same with engine parameters. When i am trying to accelerate, the Rpm value goes directly to maximum value very quickly even with the 25 percent of throttle value, even when i am driving at any gear or while shifting gears, the Rpm rises very fast and stays in maximum values.

It feels like after 25 percent of throttle value has no effect on the vehicle.

Am i missing any configuration here? Please help.

1 Answer

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You have to configure the inertia and the friction in the engine:

  • Inertia is the rotational equivalent of mass. The more inertia, the less angular acceleration produced by the same torque values.
  • Engine Friction is a torque that opposes the movement. It's the red line in the engine graph, and its configured with three parameters:
    - Torque, a constant friction torque.
    - Rotational, a friction based on rpm.
    - Viscous, a friction based on rpm squared.