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Hey! I've got some questions about writing custom Engine Block in VPP.
As far as I know there is no chance in existing engine curve system, to implement more complicated curves, thats why I want to make my own block.
I can handle the math, but question is how to integrate the block with existing vehicle controller. Do I have to make also custom one?
What are the outputs of stock Engine, so I can integrate it with stock gearbox block?

1 Answer

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Writing custom blocks in VPP also requires writing a custom vehicle controller to integrate them. The provided VPVehicleController component uses a closed set of blocks that cannot be modified externally.

The stock engine has a single torque output. You could take the custom Vehicle Controller example here as starting point:


This example uses a DirectDrive motor (a sort of ideal electric motor). You could replace it with your custom engine block here and the driveline setup code would be identical.