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I'm trying to build for WebGL using the out-of-the-box asset, but it's always giving an IL2CPP error.

On the licensing page it says that the free version (which is the one I'm using) only work for Desktop. So that means I can't test on WebGL? Is there a way for me to see if that's going to work on WebGL?

It was fine if I could build and the cars just don't work, but I can't even build, that's the strange part for me.

Nevertheless thank you for this amazing masterpiece!

1 Answer

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Best answer

Recent Unity versions started to show that error when building for WebGL. This has already been fixed in the June 2022 release of the Professional VPP edition, but it just hasn't been rolled over to the Community version yet. 

Once the Community version is updated then it will build successfully for WebGL but the vehicles won't work.
