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Hello, I downloaded Vehicle Physics Pro from Asset Store and I think I encountered a strange issue, in "Getting Started - JPickup" scene whenever I change Tire Impulse Ratio to 1 the Vehicle starts slightly jittering, all other settings are default. The Sport Coupe has the same issue. Is this normal behavior or a bug? is there a workaround?

My unity version is 2019.3.2f1

1 Answer

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It's normal behavior. The entire point of the Tire Impulse Ratio parameter is to remove that jittering. 0.5 is a good value for most cars, and you shouldn't change it. Heavily loaded vehicles or trucks with high center of mass typically require lower values such as 0.4 or even 0.3. It may be raised above 0.5 for vehicles with low center of mass (i.e. F1 or racing cars).

Note that this setting only affects the tire forces in the tire's adherent state. Regular sliding forces are not modified by this parameter.

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