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I'm trying to simulate some physics when the car goes through sandy areas, more or less dense.

I am "playing" with the DRAG value, but it does not convince me. It seems to generate unrealistic data on the rest of the parameters of the tire curve.

Would you recommend any method to achieve it?


1 Answer

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Best answer
Currently you may need to modify the tire friction curve directly. In the Smooth or Parametric friction modes, the effect of different sand densities may be achieved by increasing the slip (x) values significantly, and decreasing the grip (y) slightly. In the Pacejka mode you may decrease the stiffness of the curve (B) and the peak (D) to achieve a similar effect.

Here's a comparison with gravel, which may be used as example:

The ground material system in VPP will be redesigned in the future to allow the ground material to modify the friction curves accordingly.
I'm doing it for textures. I find it more versatile than materials.

Thank you!!!