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I'm trying to add a VehicleBehaviour I keep getting the error 

VPP Sport Coupe (VehiclePhysics.VPVehicleController): This add-on component is not supported in this edition of Vehicle Physics Pro. Disabled: SimpleVehicleAddon
UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning (object,UnityEngine.Object)
VehiclePhysics.VehicleBase:DebugLogWarning (string)
VehiclePhysics.VehicleBase:‏‫‬‍‍‌‌​​‮‫‎‫‮‭‎‌‭‪‭‌‫‏‍‏‮ (VehiclePhysics.VehicleBehaviour)
VehiclePhysics.VehicleBase:‎‎‍‭‫‮‌‌‏‮‫‏‫‍‏‫‫‭‪‭‬‍‎‭‪‪‪‭‏‮ ()
VehiclePhysics.VehicleBase:OnEnable ()

This is the case for any VehicleBehaviour that I've tried to add.

I am using VPP 1.3

1 Answer

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Best answer
Custom add-on components are not supported in the Community Edition of Vehicle Physics Pro. More information on the licensing tiers and features: https://vehiclephysics.com/about/licensing/
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Thanks for the answer. I'd like to be able to toggle the auto-shift flag from my game. This is suggested on https://vehiclephysics.com/blocks/gearbox/.

"If you want to configure the shift mode externally to the vehicle (i.e. via UI or hotkey) then you should probably use a Manual transmission and modify the auto-shift flag."

Is there any way to toggle this shift-flag without making a custom vehicle behavior? e.g. by using the Vehicle Toolkit? 

Yes, the Vehicle Controller is a standard Unity component where its properties are accessible and may be changed from external scripts. See:


for reference.


Can I ask why it is recommended that we use a Manual transmission and modify the auto-shift flag?

It seems that for me more logical setting would be an automatic transmission, since that allows me to set the gear up and gear down RPM. Is there any way to change (from script) the gearbox from manual to automatic and vice-versa? 

Something along the lines of 

vppVehicleController.gearbox.transmissiontype = Gearbox.Type.Automatic; 

Does not work, vppVehicleController.gearbox does not have a definition of transmissiontype (although it does have e.g. the autoShift flag.)


Can I ask why it is recommended that we use a Manual transmission and modify the auto-shift flag?

That's in the case you want to offer some "Auto-Shift" option in your game's settings. Automatic Transmission emulates the logic of the user-selectable modes D and M, which doesn't fit good with a separate Auto-Shift option in the game.

Both Automatic and Manual transmissions include options for auto-shift RPM ranges. The corresponding options are prefixed with "automatic" or "manual", respectively.

The Gearbox documentation doesn't have a Scripting Reference section yet, but the the auto-complete feature of most code editors should reveal the precise names to you. Also, there are a couple of ways to get the actual names for the properties in the inspector:

  • Configure the Unity inspector in Debug mode (top-right menu). Each property will be revealed with their actual name instead of using the name defined in the custom inspector.
  • Right-click the property in the inspector, then choose "Copy Property Path". The property name will be copied to the clipboard.